Hannah Marples
Hannah is a historical costume maker, embroiderer and researcher in North Nottinghamshire, UK. She is also currently studying an MA by Research at the University of Huddersfield with a working title of Ornate Hands: A study of embroidered gauntlet gloves between 1600 and 1630. The research purpose is to find out what the purpose was behind these
highly elaborate garments; were they to be worn, or simply held? Who made
them and who for? There is much to explore! Whilst doing all of this, Hannah
also runs an Etsy shop where she sells historically inspired digitally printed
fabrics. She has also digitised patterns for The Tudor Tailor publications
The Typical Tudor and The King's Servants, turning hand drawn full sized
patterns into scaled down digital versions suitable for publication.
Whilst on a placement year studying Costume with Textiles at the
University of Huddersfield, Hannah appeared in all six episodes of the BBC4
documentary series A Stitch In Time, alongside Ninya Mikhaila and
Harriet Waterhouse, presented by Amber Butchart. The series captures
the team remaking a historic outfit per episode based on either extant
garments or ensembles seen in portraits. Hannah then returned to
university for her final major project, and graduated in 2018 with a first
class degree. Since graduating, she has analysed historic clothing for
private collections, and recreated historic costume and textiles for the
likes of Leeds Royal Armouries, Historic Royal Palaces, The Portland
Collection and re-enactors.